首页 - 最新动态 - HHD深圳市本至空间设计有限公司荣膺第九届深圳IDEA-TOPS艾特奖三连奖


Recently, the 9th IDEA-TOPS International Space Design Award--Aite Award winners were announced, and the international design agency won three awards. Shenzhen Chaoqing Club, Kangzhe Pharmaceutical Headquarters, and Zhuhai Jinming Pharmaceutical Headquarters respectively won the Silver Award, Excellence Award and Finalist Award in the Shenzhen Awards.

近日,第九届IDEA-TOPS国际空间设计大奖——艾特奖获奖名单揭晓,HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司获得三个大奖。深圳潮青会馆、康哲医药总部、珠海金明医药总部分别获得艾特奖深圳赛区办公空间设计银奖、优秀奖、入围奖。同时,HHD设计集团酒店设计品牌机构——深圳市假日东方室内设计有限公司设计的“潮州御酒店”也获得深圳区金奖。

The International Space Design Award--Idea-Tops Award is supported by the relevant government departments. The first portal website of China's architectural interior design industry - A963 Design Network and China's three authoritative academic institutions - Tsinghua University Art The Academy, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts jointly sponsored the creation of the world's most imaginative and influential design awards to discover and recognize the best design ers and best design works.


The Aite Awards adhere to the principles of professionalism, rigor, fairness and impartiality, and not only attract architectural interior designers from 35 countries and regions including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Israel, South Korea and Japan. The competition has enabled a group of designers and design institutions with real potential and potential to grow rapidly. It is the most internationally influential authority design award in China today.


Idea-Tops International Space Design Award (Aite Award), an international space design award in China, aims to create the world's most ideological and influential design awards, discover and recognize the best designers and best design works.


 Chaozhou Youth Association


Location:Shenzhen, China

设计单位:HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司



The world understands China, often because Chinese culture has a long history. Among them, Chaoshan culture, their unity, respect and respect for Chinese tradition can be regarded as the number one representative.
The Chaozhou Youth Association is established by the Youth Committee of the Chaozhou Overseas Economic Promotion Association of Shenzhen with the approval of the competent authorities of Shenzhen Municipal Government. Its members are representatives of Chaozhou youths active in all walks of life in Shenzhen. It is a vigorous and non-independent corporate organization with enthusiasm for social welfare.

 Kangzhe Pharmaceutical Headquarters 



设计单位:HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司


HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司贯彻“设计有表情,有温度,有故事的情景体验空间”的设计哲学,提炼企业文化,打造国际西药品牌特色生态健康产业办公公园。区别于传统的办公场所,HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司希望这里的色调是庄重、安静且明亮的,没有任何浮夸的线条和颜色。在办公区域,选用温和的米色;地面采用100%可回收降解的地毯,具有很强的耐磨性,暗珊瑚色很好营造了安静典雅的氛围;玄关的墙面采用厚度达1厘米的玻璃纤维吸音材料,实现功能性和视觉效果的完美结合;符合人体工程学的办公椅为每一位员工提供舒适办公的可能。

HHD.BENZS carries out the design philosophy of "designing a scene experience space with expression, temperature and story" in international design, refines the corporate culture, and creates the office park of international western medicine brand featured ecological health industry. Unlike traditional office Spaces, HHD wanted the colors to be solemn, quiet and bright, without any flashy lines or colors. In the office area, choose a mild beige; The ground is made of 100% recyclable and biodegradable carpet, which has strong wear resistance. Dark coral color creates a quiet and elegant atmosphere. The metope of porch USES the glass fiber sound-absorbing material that ply reachs 1 centimeter, realize the perfect union of functional sex and visual effect; Ergonomic office chairs provide every employee with the possibility to work comfortably.

HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司专注于办公设计领域和全球性的专业设计品牌,秉承以智慧,环保,科技为基准,提高办公效率为导向,为企业提供专属定制设计。

HHD BENZS is an international design agency, focusing on office design field and global professional design brand, adhering to the wisdom, environmental protection, technology as the benchmark, improve office efficiency as the guide, to provide enterprises with exclusive custom design.



The design idea of KANGZHE Pharmaceutical Headquarters office project is consistent with the design philosophy of 【HHD BENZS INTERNATIONAL】:To create a vivid experiential office space with life, emotion, culture and stories.

 Jinming Pharmaceutical Headquarters 



设计单位:HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司



Jinming Medicine is Hong Kong's Kyoto Ninh Tzu [Guangdong Total Distribution]. Its design materials are marble and dark wood, as well as glass and metal. The office area is decorated with special artworks, which symbolizes Jinming's "people-oriented" corporate culture. It also reflects the rigor of being a pharmaceutical company and is committed to providing high quality services. We hope to include corporate values in the choice of design and materials.

【HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司】认为:设计中的高级灰,透明材料和装饰绿色的主导选择相结合,为工作空间提供充满活力,宜居和清新的感觉,使人们更加放松,自然更专注于完成他们给予的任务。


A personal space area and a group gathering area are established between the lounge and the office space, and the cafes are placed in staggered positions to encourage people to walk through the building and allow for occasional interaction. Materials and interiors are used for warm colors.


HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司囊括了艾特奖的三项大奖。同时,HHD设计集团酒店设计品牌机构——深圳市假日东方室内设计有限公司设计的“潮州御酒店”也获得深圳区金奖。行业权威的认可与嘉奖是HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司不断呈现优秀作品的动力;未来,HHD·BENZS 深圳市本至空间设计有限公司将继续打磨自有设计语言,持续创新,放眼亚洲,放眼全球,探索室内设计的无限可能性。

HHD BENZS includes three awards for the Aite Award. The recognition and recognition of industry authority is the driving force for HHD BENZS to continuously present outstanding works; in the future, HHD BENZS will continue to polish its own design language, continue to innovate, look to Asia, look globally and explore the possibilities of interior design.


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